Makes sense to me! johndwmacdonald
Better Politics – Different Politics – Corbyn Politics
Modern politics are stale politics, and have become meaningless to so many. The number of people engaging in voting has been in decline since 1945. Working class voters are detached from the political process, their voices unheard as politicians became middle-class, Oxbridge PPE educated.
So Westminster has become more and more remote, and politicians further from identifying with the needs of ordinary people. The People’s Parliament is supposed to be the mouthpiece of people. Politicians are elected to serve people and speak for people. These days governments seem to be about controlling people. Politics is Upside-Down. Rather than people making decisions we are being told what to do. Or what we can’t do.
We are told we cannot afford compassion, we cannot ensure our social security, we cannot afford health and education, and decent homes for all. We are told there has to be Austerity because we have no money. This is a lie.
The government issues money, and it does so by public spending.
Wealth is created by working people – not banks, or rich business owners.
Life’s essentials – food, water, energy, warmth and shelter have been sold for profit, and allow the rich to divide and control because of people’s fear of destitution.
If politics is to change for the better, we need to all be a part of it. We need the Labour movement to reach the voices of ordinary men and women. We don’t want a nanny state looking down telling us what to do.
We do want to be part of society, one where we all belong, can contribute, where there is no poverty. We want opportunities for all , and we want security. We want a Responsible State, a Courageous State.
A Responsible State – is a society where we all collectively work for the benefit of everyone, ensuring opportunities for everyone. A Responsible state ensures that when crisis , illness or old age , we care for one another. A Responsible State is not the law of the jungle – it is not neoliberalism , it is the basis of civilisation.
A Courageous State (RichardJMurphy) is driven by the principles that
- People come first;
- People must have the opportunity to achieve their potential;
- Poverty is unacceptable;
- Sustainability is essential;
- Balance is best for human well-being;
- Government has to work well;
- Real business deserves strong support.
Lack of Democracy in recent governments is because they have protected the powers of the very rich, and their lobbyists. Secret trade deals like TTIP are dangerous and must be opposed. The first principle of the Courageous State,i.e.) that “People come First” has been lost. That is where we must now begin.
The surge of support for Jeremy Corbyn as the next leader of the Labour party has astounded everyone. Perhaps we underestimated the anger.
Politicians, caught unaware by surge of popularity for Jeremy Corbyn, are fearful of sudden change. We are so entrenched in Thatcher’s neoliberalism. But if we listen, if we are courageous, if we learn why Jeremy Corbyn has inspired people, we will realise that this is an exciting time in politics. The Labour Party, will become, once again, the People’s Party. And that will be wonderful.
Jeremy is standing to deliver:
- A new kind of politics: a fairer, kinder Britain based on innovation, decent jobs and decent public services.
- Growth not austerity – with a national investment bank to help create tomorrow’s jobs and reduce the deficit fairly. Fair taxes for all – let the broadest shoulders bear the biggest burden to balance the books.
- A lower welfare bill through investment and growth not squeezing the least well-off and cuts to child tax credits.
- Action on climate change – for the long-term interest of the planet rather than the short-term interests of corporate profits.
- Public ownership of railways and in the energy sector – privatisation has put profits before people.
- Decent homes for all in public and private sectors by 2025 through a big housebuilding programme and controlling rents.
- No more illegal wars, a foreign policy that prioritises justice and assistance. Replacing Trident not with a new generation of nuclear weapons but jobs that retain the communities’ skills.
- Fully-funded NHS, integrated with social care, with an end to privatisation in health.
- Protection at work – no zero hours contracts, strong collective bargaining to stamp out workplace injustice.
- Equality for all – a society that accepts no barriers to everyone’s talents and contribution. An end to scapegoating of migrants.
- A life-long national education service for decent skills and opportunities throughout our lives: universal childcare, abolishing student fees and restoring grants, and funding adult skills training throughout our lives
Our Watchword is Unity. In that is our Strength.
Tagged: Attitude, Austerity, change, children, Corbyn, Disability, Labour, Labour Leadership, The Left, vision